Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Association
Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Association Membership Application Form

Established in April 1961, Hong Kong Baptist University Alumni Association is to serve as a platform and provides a channel through which local and international alumni can stay connected. For more information, please go to our website or join our Facebook page to stay tuned with our upcoming events.

No membership fee required. Existing member can use this form for data updating purpose.

Please send your email to hkbuaa@life.hkbu.edu.hk if you have any enquiry or if you do not receive our confirmation regarding this application within 30 days.

* Required

Personal Detail
* N/A for not applicable
HKBU Related Information
* Some alumni have multiple degrees, please put your most recent one.
* or the year you left without finishing your degree or course.
* Communication with our members are mostly by emails these days.
Employment Detail
Important Note

Hong Kong Baptist University (the “University”) is committed to ensuring that your personal data are handled in accordance with the law and the University’s Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement (“PPS/PICS”) (https://bupdpo.hkbu.edu.hk/policies-and-procedures/pps-pics/). The provision of the personal data specified in this form is obligatory for the purposes of collection. The University including the Alumni Affairs Office (“AAO”) is unable to provide services to you or process your request without your personal data.

Please inform the University if you do not wish it to use your personal data for direct marketing purpose. You may access/correct your personal data held by the University by sending your request to the University. For the above communications and in case you may have any queries, please contact AAO at Room 1002, 10/F, Academic and Administration Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, 15 Baptist University Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong through either email (alumni@hkbu.edu.hk) or telephone ((852) 3411 7877), and state your name, graduation year, and graduation field.

For any update of your personal particulars, please submit online form through https://aao.hkbu.edu.hk/en/alumni_online_data_update/index.php.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have been provided with the PPS/PICS and have read and accepted the contents thereof.